Section 4 - Code Table 11 : Type of time intervals

Code Meaning
0 Reserved
1 Successive times processed have same forecast time, start time of forecast is incremented
2 Successive times processed have same start time of forecast, forecast time is incremented
3 Successive times processed have start time of forecast incremented and forecast time decremented so that valid time remains constant
4 Successive times processed have start time of forecast decremented and forecast time incremented so that valid time remains constant
5 Floating subinterval of time between forecast time and end of overall time interval
255 Missing

( 1) Code figure 5 applies to instances where a single time subinterval was used to calculate the statistically processed field. The exact starting and ending times of the subinterval are not given, but it is known that it is contained inclusively between the beginning time and the ending time of the overall interval.