Class: ECMWF Re-Analyses
Grib Code | Mars Abbreviation | Long Name |
3 | er | 15 years reanalysis (ERA15) |
5 | e4 | 40 years reanalysis (ERA40) |
14 | ei | ERA Interim |
21 | em | ERA-CLIM model integration for the 20th-century (ERA-20CM) |
22 | e2 | ERA-CLIM reanalysis of the 20th-century using surface observations only (ERA-20C) |
24 | ep | ERA-CLIM2 coupled reanalysis of the 20th-century (CERA-20C) |
30 | et | ERA-CLIM2 coupled reanalysis of the satellite era (CERA-SAT) |
47 | o6 | Ocean ReAnalysis 6 |