1 |
od |
Operational archive |
2 |
rd |
Research department |
3 |
er |
15 years reanalysis (ERA15) |
4 |
cs |
5 |
e4 |
40 years reanalysis (ERA40) |
6 |
dm |
7 |
pv |
8 |
el |
9 |
to |
10 |
co |
11 |
en |
12 |
ti |
13 |
me |
14 |
ei |
ERA Interim |
15 |
sr |
Short-Range Ensemble Prediction System |
16 |
dt |
Data Targeting System |
17 |
la |
18 |
yt |
19 |
mc |
Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS, previously MACC) |
20 |
pe |
Permanent experiments |
21 |
em |
ERA-CLIM model integration for the 20th-century (ERA-20CM) |
22 |
e2 |
ERA-CLIM reanalysis of the 20th-century using surface observations only (ERA-20C) |
23 |
ea |
ERA5 |
24 |
ep |
ERA-CLIM2 coupled reanalysis of the 20th-century (CERA-20C) |
25 |
rm |
26 |
nr |
NOAA/CIRES 20th Century Reanalysis version II |
27 |
s2 |
Sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction project (S2S) |
28 |
j5 |
Japanese 55 year Reanalysis (JRA55) |
29 |
ur |
30 |
et |
ERA-CLIM2 coupled reanalysis of the satellite era (CERA-SAT) |
31 |
c3 |
Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) |
32 |
yp |
33 |
l5 |
34 |
lw |
WMO Lead Centre Wave Forecast Verification |
35 |
ce |
Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) |
36 |
cr |
Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Research |
37 |
rr |
Copernicus Regional ReAnalysis (CARRA/CERRA) |
38 |
ul |
Project ULYSSES |
39 |
gw |
Global Wildfire Information System |
40 |
e6 |
ERA6 |
41 |
l6 |
42 |
ef |
EFAS (European flood awareness system) |
43 |
gf |
GLOFAS (Global flood awareness system) |
44 |
gg |
Greenhouse Gases |
45 |
ml |
Machine learning |
46 |
d1 |
Destination Earth |
47 |
o6 |
Ocean ReAnalysis 6 |
48 |
eh |
C3S European hydrology |
49 |
gh |
C3S Global hydrology |
50 |
ci |
CERISE project |
51 |
ai |
Operational AIFS |
52 |
ed |
EERIE project |
53 |
ng |
nextGEMS project |
99 |
te |
Test |
100 |
at |
Austria |
101 |
be |
Belgium |
102 |
hr |
Croatia |
103 |
dk |
Denmark |
104 |
fi |
Finland |
105 |
fr |
France |
106 |
de |
Germany |
107 |
gr |
Greece |
108 |
hu |
Hungary |
109 |
is |
Iceland |
110 |
ie |
Ireland |
111 |
it |
Italy |
112 |
nl |
Netherlands |
113 |
no |
Norway |
114 |
pt |
Portugal |
115 |
si |
Slovenia |
116 |
es |
Spain |
117 |
se |
Sweden |
118 |
ch |
Switzerland |
119 |
tr |
Turkey |
120 |
uk |
United Kingdom |
121 |
ms |
Member States projects |
199 |
ma |
Metaps |