Edition independent ecCodes Keys: geography

Name Description
LaDInDegrees Latitude in degrees at which the Mercator Projection Cylinder Intersects the Earth. Latitude in degrees where Dx and Dy are specified
LoVInDegrees orientation of the grid; i.e. the east longitude value of the meridian which is parallel to the y-axis (or columns of the grid) along which latitude increases as the y-coordinate increases (the orientation longitude may or may not appear on a particular grid)
Ni Number of points along a parallel
Nj Number of points along a meridian
alternativeRowScanning Alternative row of scanning
angleOfRotationInDegrees Angle of rotation in degrees
bitmap Bitmap
gridType Type of grid. Accepted values:
  • regular_ll
  • reduced_ll
  • mercator
  • lambert
  • polar_stereographic
  • UTM
  • simple_polyconic
  • albers
  • miller
  • rotated_ll
  • stretched_ll
  • stretched_rotated_ll
  • regular_gg
  • rotated_gg
  • stretched_gg
  • stretched_rotated_gg
  • reduced_gg
  • sh
  • rotated_sh
  • stretched_sh
  • stretched_rotated_sh
  • space_view
iDirectionIncrementInDegrees i (longitude) direction increment in degrees
iScansNegatively i (longitude) is scanned in the negative direction
jDirectionIncrementInDegrees j (latitude) direction increment in degrees
jPointsAreConsecutive The points in the j direction are scanned consecutively
jScansPositively j (latitude) is scanned in the negative direction
latitudeAtWhichTheMercatorProjectionCylinderIntersectsTheEarthInDegrees Latitude in degrees at which the Mercator Projection Cylinder Intersects the Earth.
latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees Latitude in degrees of the first grid point
latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees Latitude in degrees of the last grid point
latitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees Latitude in degrees of the southern pole for rotated grid
latitudeOfStretchingPoleInDegrees Latitude in degrees of the stretching pole
latitudeOfSubSatellitePointInDegrees Latitude in degrees of the sub satellite point
longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees Longitude in degrees of the first grid point
longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees Longitude in degrees of the last grid point
longitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees Longitude in degrees of the southern pole for rotated grid
longitudeOfStretchingPoleInDegrees Longitude in degrees of the stretching pole
longitudeOfSubSatellitePointInDegrees Longitude in degrees of the sub satellite point
orientationOfTheGridInDegrees Orientation of the grid in degrees
pl List of the number of grid points per parallel used in reduced grids
stretchingFactor Stretching factor
DiInMetres Longitudinal direction grid length in metres
DjInMetres Latitudinal direction grid length in metres
N Number of parallels between a pole and the equator
M M pentagonal resolution parameter
K K pentagonal resolution parameter
J J pentagonal resolution parameter
DyInMetres y-direction grid length in metres
DxInMetres x-direction grid length in metres
Latin2InDegrees Second latitude from the pole at which the secant cone cuts the sphere
Latin1InDegrees First latitude from the pole at which the secant cone cuts the sphere
Ny Number of points along y-axis
Nx Number of points along x-axis
dy Apparent diameter of Earth in grid lengths, in y-direction
dx Apparent diameter of Earth in grid lengths, in x-direction
YpInGridLengths y-coordinate of sub-satellite point
XpInGridLengths x-coordinate of sub-satellite point
NrInRadiusOfEarth Nr altitude of the camera from the Earths centre, measured in units of the Earths (equatorial) radius
Yo y-coordinate of origin of sector image
Xo x-coordinate of origin of sector image