LaDInDegrees |
Latitude in degrees at which the Mercator Projection Cylinder Intersects the Earth. Latitude in degrees where Dx and Dy are specified |
Latin |
LoVInDegrees |
orientation of the grid; i.e. the east longitude value of the meridian which is parallel to the y-axis (or columns of the grid) along which latitude increases as the y-coordinate increases (the orientation longitude may or may not appear on a particular grid) |
Ni |
Number of points along a parallel |
Nj |
Number of points along a meridian |
alternativeRowScanning |
Alternative row of scanning |
angleOfRotationInDegrees |
Angle of rotation in degrees |
bitmap |
Bitmap |
gridNorthSouth |
gridType |
Type of grid. Accepted values:
- regular_ll
- reduced_ll
- mercator
- lambert
- polar_stereographic
- simple_polyconic
- albers
- miller
- rotated_ll
- stretched_ll
- stretched_rotated_ll
- regular_gg
- rotated_gg
- stretched_gg
- stretched_rotated_gg
- reduced_gg
- sh
- rotated_sh
- stretched_sh
- stretched_rotated_sh
- space_view
gridWestEast |
iDirectionIncrementInDegrees |
i (longitude) direction increment in degrees |
iInc |
iScansNegatively |
i (longitude) is scanned in the negative direction |
jDirectionIncrementInDegrees |
j (latitude) direction increment in degrees |
jInc |
jPointsAreConsecutive |
The points in the j direction are scanned consecutively |
jScansPositively |
j (latitude) is scanned in the negative direction |
laFirst |
laLast |
latitudeAtWhichTheMercatorProjectionCylinderIntersectsTheEarthInDegrees |
Latitude in degrees at which the Mercator Projection Cylinder Intersects the Earth. |
latitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees |
Latitude in degrees of the first grid point |
latitudeOfFirstGridPointOfReferenceDomainInDegrees |
latitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees |
Latitude in degrees of the last grid point |
latitudeOfLastGridPointOfReferenceDomainInDegrees |
latitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees |
Latitude in degrees of the southern pole for rotated grid |
latitudeOfStretchingPoleInDegrees |
Latitude in degrees of the stretching pole |
latitudeOfSubSatellitePointInDegrees |
Latitude in degrees of the sub satellite point |
loFirst |
loLast |
longitudeOfFirstGridPointInDegrees |
Longitude in degrees of the first grid point |
longitudeOfFirstGridPointOfReferenceDomainInDegrees |
longitudeOfLastGridPointInDegrees |
Longitude in degrees of the last grid point |
longitudeOfLastGridPointOfReferenceDomainInDegrees |
longitudeOfSouthernPoleInDegrees |
Longitude in degrees of the southern pole for rotated grid |
longitudeOfStretchingPoleInDegrees |
Longitude in degrees of the stretching pole |
longitudeOfSubSatellitePointInDegrees |
Longitude in degrees of the sub satellite point |
orientationOfTheGridInDegrees |
Orientation of the grid in degrees |
pl |
List of the number of grid points per parallel used in reduced grids |
stretchingFactor |
Stretching factor |
DiInMetres |
Longitudinal direction grid length in metres |
DjInMetres |
Latitudinal direction grid length in metres |
N |
Number of parallels between a pole and the equator |
M |
M pentagonal resolution parameter |
K |
K pentagonal resolution parameter |
J |
J pentagonal resolution parameter |
DyInMetres |
y-direction grid length in metres |
DxInMetres |
x-direction grid length in metres |
Latin2InDegrees |
Second latitude from the pole at which the secant cone cuts the sphere |
Latin1InDegrees |
First latitude from the pole at which the secant cone cuts the sphere |
Ny |
Number of points along y-axis |
Nx |
Number of points along x-axis |
dy |
Apparent diameter of Earth in grid lengths, in y-direction |
dx |
Apparent diameter of Earth in grid lengths, in x-direction |
YpInGridLengths |
y-coordinate of sub-satellite point |
XpInGridLengths |
x-coordinate of sub-satellite point |
NrInRadiusOfEarth |
Nr altitude of the camera from the Earths centre, measured in units of the Earths (equatorial) radius |
Yo |
y-coordinate of origin of sector image |
Xo |
x-coordinate of origin of sector image |